Wednesday 4 March 2015

More SG fans!

We're getting to know more and more local fans! Me and Audrey are lonely no more. Haha. We used to bemoan the fact that there didn't seem to be any TVXQ OT2 fans around here. But there ARE! Just all in hiding? We really lack a gathering point for SG OT2 fans.

Anyway, met up with 2 more of them last Saturday and had a wonderful lunch and chit chat session together.
Lily passed us all gifts through S, who brought us lots of stuff too. THANK YOU! 

For relatively new and very blur fans like me, it's always interesting to hear these long-time, more experienced fans talk about the boys and the fandom in general. We chatted for almost 4 hours! Hope to see all of you again! :)


  1. Lol I wanna join too! I just came back from Osaka and went Tower records hunting for Sakuramichi I think I made quite an impact on the local tower records staff

  2. Haha, What did you do? Do you speak Japanese?

    Why don't you join as at the forum ?

  3. LOL I was taking way too many photos of the sakuramichi posters and standees and all the staff was extremely understanding that I was basically fangirling for a good 20 mins. I just joined the forum, ID's vanna :)

    1. Oh goody. Go say hello or I cannot see you! :p
